Real World Wildlife Products has become known as the leader in supplying the best soybean products for wildlife land managers. Our soybean sales have increased each of the 15 years we have been in business, proving that our claim of having the best soybean for whitetails is not just talk. The one issue that some customers have experienced however is weed resistance to glyphosate (Roundup). We diligently tested multiple varieties of soybeans to help address this growing concern. KSC Enlist Soybean Food Plot Blend (Regular or Northern) can be sprayed with glyphosate (Roundup), glufosinate (Liberty) and 2,4-D ColexD. By being able to use all these herbicides, the issue of resistant weeds can be addressed. We believe we have finally found the right blend of Enlist soybeans to help take care of weed resistance issues without losing the high-oil and shatter resistant traits found in our Generation 2 soybeans.
These soybeans have the same high-oil and shatter-resistant traits of Real World’s extremely popular Generation 2 glyphosate-tolerant Whitetail Soybean blend.
Growers must sign a Technology Use Agreement before obtaining, planting, or growing seed containing Corteva traits, including the Enlist Trait. Please signup online here: Welcome to AgCelerate!. After signing the agreement and obtaining a number, please put your number in the “Order Notes” section when checking out. If you have any questions, please call us at 217-994-3721.
KSC Enlist Soybean Food Plot Blend (Regular and Northern) is not for sale in the following states: Alaska, California, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wyoming.
Enlist Soybean Food Plot Blend
Planting Date – Plant soybeans after the soil temperature has reached 60-degrees. Planting too early can result in poor germination rates and planting too late will have a negative impact on forage and grain production. For most of the country the ideal planting time will be during the month of May through June. If farmers in your area plant soybeans watch when they are planting their fields and plant your plots a week or two later. This will encourage the local deer to start feeding in the farmers soybean fields first and better allow your smaller soybean plots to become established without excessive deer browsing pressure.
Site Prep – Start by spraying your soybean plots in the spring to kill any vegetation. When it is time to plant prepare a good seedbed by disking or tilling the ground so that it is primarily free of bigger dirt-clods. The soil does not need to be worked into a power-fine consistency but just free of large clods.
Planting – Soybeans are very easy to grow and can be planted several ways. The goal is to get the seed covered with about 1-inch of soil. If you have a planter or grain-drill, that is fantastic. If not, you can broadcast the soybean seed and then cover it by dragging the plot or disking it very lightly. Make sure the seed is not more than 1 ½ inches deep. If some of the seed is exposed on top of the ground, it can still grow as long as it gets adequate moisture.
Maintenance – Weed control is the most important thing for achieving a good soybean food plot. This ALWAYS starts with the application of a good pre-emergent (residual) herbicide onto a totally weed free plot! Apply the preemergent herbicide either right before or right after planting (before the soybeans germinate). Real World Wildlife Products sells a quality pre-emergent herbicide for soybeans that is compatible with the soybean seeds we sell.